Plantilla:Bandera código del COI

|CYP = Flag of Cyprus.svg
|CZE = Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
|DAH = 
|DEN = Flag of Denmark.svg
|DJI = Flag of Djibouti.svg
|DMA = Flag of Dominica.svg
|DOM = Comite_olimpico_dominicano.png
|ECU = Flag of Ecuador.svg
|EGY = Flag of Egypt.svg
|ERI = Flag of Eritrea.svg
|ESA = Flag of El Salvador.svg
|ESP = Flag of Spain.svg
|EST = Flag of Estonia.svg
|ETH = Flag of Ethiopia.svg
|EUA = Flag of German Olympic Team 1960-1968.svg
|EUN = Olympic flag.svg
|FIJ = Flag of Fiji.svg
|FIN = Flag of Finland.svg
|FRA = Flag of France.svg
|FRO = Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg
|FRG = Flag of Germany.svg
|FSM = Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg
|GAB = Flag of Gabon.svg
|GAM = Flag of The Gambia.svg
|GBR = Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
|GBS = Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg
|GDR = Flag of East Germany.svg
|GEO = Flag of Georgia.svg
|GEQ = Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg
|GER = Flag of Germany.svg
|GHA = Flag of Ghana.svg
|GRE = Flag of Greece.svg
|GRN = Flag of Grenada.svg
|GUA = Flag of Guatemala.svg
|GUI = Flag of Guinea.svg
|GUM = Flag of Guam.svg
|GUY = Flag of Guyana.svg
|HAI = Flag of Haiti.svg
|HBR = 
|HKG = Flag of Hong Kong.svg
|HOL = 
|HON = Flag of Honduras.svg
|HUN = Flag of Hungary.svg
|IHO = 
|INA = Flag of Indonesia.svg
|IND = Flag of India.svg
|IOA = Olympic flag.svg
|IOP = Olympic flag.svg
|IPP = Olympic flag.svg
|IRI = Flag of Iran.svg
|IRL = Flag of Ireland.svg
|IRQ = Flag of Iraq.svg
|ISL = Flag of Iceland.svg
|ISR = Flag of Israel.svg
|ISV = Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg
|ITA = Flag of Italy.svg
|IVB = Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg
|JAM = Flag of Jamaica.svg
|JOR = Flag of Jordan.svg
|JPN = Flag of Japan.svg
|KAZ = Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
|KEN = Flag of Kenya.svg
|KGZ = Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg
|KIR = Flag of Kiribati.svg
|KOR = Flag of South Korea.svg
|KSA = Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg
|KUW = Flag of Kuwait.svg
|LAO = Flag of Laos.svg
|LAT = Flag of Latvia.svg
|LBA = Flag of Libya.svg
|LBR = Flag of Liberia.svg
|LCA = Flag of Saint Lucia.svg
|LES = Flag of Lesotho.svg
|LIB = Flag of Lebanon.svg
|LIE = Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
|LTU = Flag of Lithuania.svg
|LUX = Flag of Luxembourg.svg
|MAC = Flag of Macau.svg
|MAD = Flag of Madagascar.svg
|MAR = Flag of Morocco.svg
|MAS = Flag of Malaysia.svg
|MAW = Flag of Malawi.svg
|MDA = Flag of Moldova.svg
|MDV = Flag of Maldives.svg
|MEX = Flag of Mexico.svg
|MGL = Flag of Mongolia.svg
|MHL = Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg
|MKD = Flag of Macedonia.svg
|MLI = Flag of Mali.svg
|MLT = Flag of Malta.svg
|MNE = Flag of Montenegro.svg
|MON = Flag of Monaco.svg
|MOZ = Flag of Mozambique.svg
|MRI = Flag of Mauritius.svg
|MTN = Flag of Mauritania.svg
|MYA = Flag of Myanmar.svg
|NAM = Flag of Namibia.svg
|NCA = Flag of Nicaragua.svg
|NED = Flag of the Netherlands.svg
|NEP = Flag of Nepal.svg
|NGR = Flag of Nigeria.svg
|NIC=Flag of Nicaragua.svg
|NIG = Flag of Niger.svg
|NOR = Flag of Norway.svg
|NRU = 
|NZL = Flag of New Zealand.svg
|OMA = Flag of Oman.svg
|PAK = Flag of Pakistan.svg
|PAN = Flag of Panama.svg
|PAR = Flag of Paraguay.svg
|PER = Flag of Peru (state).svg
|PHI = Flag of the Philippines.svg
|PLE = Flag of Palestine.svg
|PLW = Flag of Palau.svg
|PNG = Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg
|POL = Flag of Poland.svg
|POR = Flag of Portugal.svg
|PRK = Flag of North Korea.svg
|PUR = Flag of Puerto Rico.svg
|QAT = Flag of Qatar.svg
|RHN = 
|RHO = Flag of Southern Rhodesia.svg
|RHS = 
|ROC = Flag of the Republic of China.svg
|ROM = Flag of Romania.svg
|ROU = Flag of Romania.svg
|RSA = Flag of South Africa.svg
|RU1 = 
|RUS = Flag of Russia.svg
|RWA = Flag of Rwanda.svg
|SAA = Flag of Saar (1947–1956).svg
|SAF = 
|SAM = Flag of Samoa.svg
|SCG = Flag of Serbia and Montenegro.svg
|SEN = Flag of Senegal.svg
|SEY = Flag of the Seychelles.svg
|SIN = Flag of Singapore.svg
|SKN = Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg
|SLE = Flag of Sierra Leone.svg
|SLO = Flag of Slovenia.svg
|SMR = Flag of San Marino.svg
|SOL = Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg
|SOM = Flag of Somalia.svg
|SRB = Flag of Serbia.svg
|SRI = Flag of Sri Lanka.svg
|STP = Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg
|SUD = Flag of Sudan.svg
|SUI = Flag of Switzerland.svg
|SUR = Flag of Suriname.svg
|SVK = Flag of Slovakia.svg
|SWE = Flag of Sweden.svg
|SWZ = Flag of Swaziland.svg
|SYR = Flag of Syria.svg
|TAG = 
|TAI = 
|TAN = Flag of Tanzania.svg
|TCH = Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg
|TGA = Flag of Tonga.svg
|THA = Flag of Thailand.svg
|TJK = Flag of Tajikistan.svg
|TKM = Flag of Turkmenistan.svg
|TLS = Flag of East Timor.svg
|TOG = Flag of Togo.svg
|TON= Flag of Tonga.svg
|TPE = Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg
|TRI = Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg
|TUN = Flag of Tunisia.svg
|TUR = Flag of Turkey.svg
|TUV = Flag of Tuvalu.svg
|UAE = Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg
|UAR = 
|UGA = Flag of Uganda.svg
|UKR = Flag of Ukraine.svg
|URS = Flag of the Soviet Union.svg
|URU = Flag of Uruguay.svg
|USA = Flag of the United States.svg
|UZB = Flag of Uzbekistan.svg
|VAN = Flag of Vanuatu.svg
|VEN = Flag of Venezuela.svg
|VIE = Flag of Vietnam.svg
|VIN = Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg
|VOL = 
|YAR = 
|YEM = Flag of Yemen.svg
|YMD = 
|YUG = Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg
|ZAI = 
|ZAM = Flag of Zambia.svg
|ZIM = Flag of Zimbabwe.svg
|ZZX = Olympic flag.svg
|#default = Flag of None.png



Documentación de plantilla